PhD position in Pharmaceutical Biology (ERC Starting Grant project) (m/f/d)

Ihr Arbeitsplatz

At the Chair of Pharmaceutical Biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), we develop new drug carriers and biomaterials that utilize principles found in nature to better treat bacterial infections. We study the communication between bacteria and cells to discover new therapeutic approaches for inflammatory diseases. Another area of research is the isolation of new antimicrobial and cytostatic natural products from pharmacopoeial plants (

Wir haben einiges zu bieten: Unsere Benefits

  • Regular promotion to the next level and increase in salary pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement for the public service of the German Länder (TV-L) or remuneration pursuant to the Bavarian Public Servants Remuneration Act (BayBesG) plus an additional annual bonus
  • 30 days annual leave at five working days per week with additional free days on December 24 and 31
  • Occupational pension scheme and asset accumulation savings scheme
  • An attractive and multidisciplinary research position in pharmaceutical biology
  • Opportunity to earn a doctoral degree from one of the most innovative universities in Germany and worldwide (THE Impact Ranking 2024)
  • Advanced personal career development
  • Opportunities to deepen skills in writing publications and acquire scholarly skills in mentoring students
  • A modern research environment with international collaboration opportunities

Ihre Aufgaben

  • Developing and applying new drug carriers and biomaterials inspired by natural principles
  • Investigating the communication between bacteria and cells to discover new therapeutic approaches for inflammatory diseases
  • Assisting in the scientific support and mentoring of BSc/MSc students
  • Collaborating with pharmacists, chemists, and biologists within a multidisciplinary research environment
  • Participating in practical courses and potentially assisting in conducting them

Ihr Profil

  • A degree in Pharmacy, Biology, Biotechnology, Microbiology, or a related field from a nationally or internationally recognized institution
  • Previous experimental experience with cell and/or bacterial culture, molecular biology methods, and analytics is desirable but not required
  • Experience in conducting practical courses and licensure as a pharmacist is an asset but not required
  • Proficiency in MS Office and literature review processing software (e.g., Endnote/Citavi, SigmaPlot)
  • Fluent written and oral communication skills in English
  • Good to very good knowledge of the German language is advantageous
  • Proactive attitude towards new projects and methods
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team


We invite both national and international candidates to apply.

The position is remunerated at 55% (E13 TV-L) of a full-time position.

Die FAU als Arbeitgeber

Die Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), gegründet im Jahr 1743, zählt mit knapp 40.000 Studierenden und 6.600 Mitarbeitenden zu den führenden Forschungsuniversitäten in Deutschland. Unsere fünf Fakultäten bieten ein breites Spektrum moderner Wissenschaftsdisziplinen, von den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften über Medizin, Jura und Wirtschaftswissenschaften bis hin zu den Geisteswissenschaften und Theologie. Bürokratisch unterstützt werden die Fakultäten durch unsere Mitarbeitenden der Zentralen Universitätsverwaltung (ZUV).

Was die FAU als Volluniversität wirklich auszeichnet, ist unsere lebendige Interdisziplinarität. Forschung und Lehre heben sich durch intensive fachübergreifende Zusammenarbeit ab, die unser Universitätsleben prägt. Hier entstehen innovative Ideen und Lösungen. Willkommen an der FAU, wo Wissen verbindet und Zukunft gestaltet wird.

Wie läuft das Bewerbungsverfahren ab?

  1. Bewerbung über Online-Bewerbungsverfahren

  2. Automatische Empfangsbestätigung per Mail

  3. Sichtung der Bewerbungen durch Beschäftigungsstelle

  4. Einladung zum ersten Vorstellungsgespräch

  5. 2

    Optionale Einladung zum zweiten Vorstellungsgespräch vor Ort

  6. Gibt es ein Match?

  7. Vorbereitung der Einstellungsunterlagen

  8. Beteiligung des Personalrats

  9. Arbeitsbeginn – Herzlich Willkommen bei der FAU


Please apply via our online platform instead of sending applications by post or e-mail. Applications sent to us by post will not be returned.

With regard to the personal data collected during the application process, please refer to our information pursuant to Art. 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulations at

FAU is a modern, cosmopolitan and family-friendly employer. We welcome your application irrespective of your age, gender, cultural and social background, religion, ideological beliefs, disability or sexual identity. Applicants with a disability or who are considered to be equivalent to people with a disability will be given preference provided their aptitude, performance and capability are essentially the same. We are happy to offer part-time positions, provided a job-sharing arrangement means that the tasks in the area are fully covered.

If you wish, you may invite a person responsible for ensuring equal rights to accompany you to the job interview without incurring any disadvantages.

Veröffentlichungsdatum: 26.06.2024, Posteransicht

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Bewerbungsschluss: 10.07.2024

TitelPhD position in Pharmaceutical Biology (ERC Starting Grant project) (m/f/d)
OrtNaturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Staudtstr. 5
91058 Erlangen
EntgeltTV-L E 13
Wochenarbeitszeit40,00 Stunden pro Woche
BefristungBefristete Anstellung: 36 Monate
KontaktGregor Fuhrmann