PostDoc for research about corporate accountability in global supply chains (m/f/d)
Your Workplace
The Chair of International Business, Society and Sustainability is seeking to fill a full-time (100%) post-doc position starting as soon as possible. The position is limited to 25 months, with the option of prolongation. The Postdoc will mainly work in our research project on “Corporate Accountability in Global Supply Chains: The effectiveness of human rights and environmental due diligence regulations” (see ) funded by the Swedish Wallenberg Foundation. In this project, we study the implementation and consequences of new supply chain regulations based on a human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD) approach.
Among the tasks of the hired person will be to conduct comparative case studies about the mining of critical raw materials in Chile and Colombia or Argentina, to publish the results together with our team and as single author in peer-reviewed journals and to present at international conferences. We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow with experience in conducting field research, excellent knowledge of Spanish and English and a promising publication record. Among the methods to be used in the field research are semi-structured interviews, a survey and participant observation. Other innovative methods (e.g., transdisciplinary methods, GIS methods or experiments) are welcome. The Postdoc is also expected to support the teaching and supervision of bachelor and master theses provided by our chair as well as to work together and visit our collaboration partners at the University of Stockholm.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Candidates should have completed a PhD in a social science discipline such as political science, sociology, social anthropology, international development studies or human geography. This position will focus on research and teaching in connection with the question to what extent and how sustainability governance can contribute to sustainability transformation
The chair “International Business, Society and Sustainability” the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) aims to advance the research frontier by addressing critical themes in interdisciplinary social science research related to sustainable development, business and human rights and environmental governance. Our teaching and research activities revolve around the question of how international business relationships could become more just and sustainable. For discussing this question, we draw on and contribute to different theoretical debates (e.g., environmental justice, business and human rights, political ecology, corporate accountability, sustainability governance of global supply chains) and use diverse mixes of methods (e.g., semi-structured interviews, participatory observation, document analysis, surveys, discourse analysis, transdisciplinary methods, network analysis). As sociopolitical processes and governance arrangements at different scales interact with and shape each other, our research focuses on different scales and cross-scalar linkages.
Benefits: We Have a Lot To Offer
- Regular promotion to the next level and increase in salary pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement for the public service of the German Länder (TV-L) or remuneration pursuant to the Bavarian Public Servants Remuneration Act (BayBesG) plus an additional annual bonus
- 30 days annual leave at five working days per week with additional free days on December 24 and 31
- Occupational pension scheme and asset accumulation savings scheme
- To have a background in sustainability governance, extractive industries and global supply chains from a social science perspective
- Advanced research experience, in particular in-depth empirical and theoretical knowledge and publications on research findings
- Excellent skills in written and spoken Spanish and academic English
- Ability to work in an international and interdisciplinary team of researchers
- Ability to work independently
- Ability and interest to communicate research findings to wider audiences beyond academia
- Passion for teaching and the ability to inspire students and to supervise bachelor and master students
- Experience in acquiring third-party funding (an advantage; not necessarily expected)
Your Tasks
- Conducting comparative case studies on the mining of critical raw materials in Chile and Colombia or Argentina
- Publishing research results in collaboration with the team and as the lead author in peer-reviewed journals
- Presenting research findings at international conferences
- Employing various research methods, including semi-structured interviews, surveys, and participant observation; openness to innovative methods such as transdisciplinary approaches, GIS methods, or experiments
- Supporting teaching and supervising bachelor’s and master’s theses at the chair
- Collaborating with and visiting cooperation partners at Stockholm University
Your Profile
- Completed academic university degree (Master/Diplom [Uni]) and PhD with very good grades in social sciences, such as political science, human geography, development studies, anthropology or a comparable field of study with a focus on sustainability governance and/or global supply chains
- To have a background in sustainability governance, extractive industries and global supply chains from a social science perspective
- Advanced research experience, in particular in-depth empirical and theoretical knowledge and publications on research findings
- Excellent skills in written and spoken Spanish and academic English
- Ability to work in an international and interdisciplinary team of researchers
- Ability to work independently
- Ability and interest to communicate research findings to wider audiences beyond academia
- Passion for teaching and the ability to inspire students and to supervise bachelor and master students
- Experience in acquiring third-party funding (an advantage; not necessarily expected)
Additional Information
There is the possibility of an extension, depending on suitability.
Wie läuft das Bewerbungsverfahren ab?
Apply online
Automatic confirmation of receipt sent by e-mail
Place of employment views applications
Invitation to first interview
Optional invitation to second interview in person at FAU
Is there a match?
Employment documents prepared
Consultation with Staff Council
Commencement of employment – welcome to FAU
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Release date: 31.01.2025, Poster View
Application deadline: 07.03.2025
Title | PostDoc for research about corporate accountability in global supply chains (m/f/d) |
Job start date | 01.05.2025 |
Location | Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät Findelgasse 7 90402 Nürnberg |
Payment | TV-L E 13 |
Working time | Vollzeit |
Weekly working hours | 40,00 Stunden pro Woche |
Limitation | Befristete Anstellung: 25 Monate |
Contact | Almut Schilling-Vacaflor del Carpio